Company excursion 2022

On 1st of october the company excursion was on the agenda. By bus we went to the Grinde hut on the Hornisgrinde. There a delicious breakfast plate was waiting for us. Unfortunately, the weather did not play so well on that day and we were denied the actually magnificent view.

Nevertheless, we went on to the Black Forest National Park at Ruhestein. Mr. Echtle and Mr. Elsäßer also gave some information about the National Park, as well as about the National Park building.

Then we went on to the next item of the day. This was a visit to the HolzBauWerk Schwarzwald in Besenfeld. Mr. Echtle also took over the factory inspection, which was followed with great interest and amazement of the employees. At the end of the tour there was still coffee and cake.

At the end of the company outing, the day ended with cozy sitting together and delicious dinner before the return trip was planned.